.. _node_templates: Node Templates ============== ``node_templates`` represent instances of :ref:`Node Types ` which would eventually represent a running application/service as described in the service template. Declaration ----------- The ``node_templates`` section in the DSL is a dictionary where each key is a node template. .. code:: yaml node_templates: node_template_1: type: ... artifacts: ... properties: ... interfaces: ... requirements: ... node_template_2: ... Definition ---------- .. list-table:: :widths: 10 10 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Keyname - Required - Type - Description * - type - yes - string - The :ref:`node_type ` of this node template. * - artifacts - no - dict - See :tosca_spec2:`TOSCA Artifact definition <_Toc50125252>` * - properties - no - dict - The properties of the node template matching its node type properties schema. * - interfaces - no - interfaces - Used for mapping plugins to :ref:`interfaces` operation or for specifying inputs for already mapped node type operations. * - requirements - no - requirements - Used for specifying the :ref:`requirements` this node template has. Example ------- .. code:: yaml node_types: # The following node type is used in the node templates section nodes.Nginx: derived_from: tosca.nodes.WebServer properties: port: description: The default listening port for the Nginx server. type: integer interfaces: Standard: create: implementation: scripts/install-nginx.sh inputs: process: default: env: port: 80 start: scripts/start-nginx.sh node_templates: vm: type: tosca.nodes.Compute properties: ip: nginx: # We specify that this node template is of the node type we defined in the node types section type: nodes.Nginx # properties should match nodes.Nginx type properties schema properties: port: 80 interfaces: Standard: create: # inputs should match the inputs schema defined in nodes.Nginx for the create operation inputs: process: env: port: { get_property: [SELF, port] } requirements: - type: tosca.requirements.contained_in target: vm .. seealso:: For more information, refer to :tosca_spec2:`TOSCA Node Templates Section <_Toc50125410>`