Jobs and Workflows

The core behavior of Unfurl is to run a Job that executes a Workflow on a given topology instance.

There are two fundamental workflows (“normative workflows” in TOSCA terminology): deploy, which installs the topology, and undeploy, which uninstalls it.

There are also check and discover workflows which update the status of instances the based on their current live state.

Each of these workflows can be triggered with the equivalently named commands. You can run custom workflows using unfurl run.

Job Lifecycle

When a command that invokes a workflow is executed (deploy, undeploy, check, discover and run) a job is created and run. Running a job entails these steps:

  1. YAML parsed and merge directives are processed, including converting Python DSL code to TOSCA YAML.

  2. Schema is validated and model instantiated. The command will exit if there are errors.

  3. A plan is constructed based on the selected workflow and job options (use unfurl plan command to preview) and the job begins.

  4. For each operation a task is generated and the operation’s Inputs are lazily evaluated if referenced, including Unfurl expressions, TOSCA functions, and template strings.

  5. If planned tasks require local dependencies to be installed, such as tool artifacts, run an external job to install them.

  6. Render the plan. The command will exit if there are unrecoverable errors. Render operations that depend on live attributes that will be deferred until those attributes are set when the task is executed.

  7. Execute the plan. You will be prompted with a plan summary to approve unless the --approve flag was used. As it runs, it tracks dependencies and changes to resource attributes and status.

  8. Re-execute steps 5 and 6 to render and run any deferred operations if needed. Repeat until all operations complete.

  9. After the job completes, ensemble.yaml is updated with any changes to its instances status. It’s jobs folder with have new job.yaml file and associated log files.

  10. If the --commit flag was set, the ensemble’s git repository will see a new commit containing changes to any files touched by the job, along with commits to any other project repositories that had changes to it. And if the --push flag was set, the commits will be automatically pushed.

After the job finishes, a summary is printed showing the results of each operation along with any Outputs defined in the model.


Example deploy job output

Generated Files

When a job runs it creates several directories and files, some of which are committed to the ensemble’s git repository.

During the planning stage, tasks can generate (“render”) files that are used during deployment. They are saved in the planned directory in one of the subdirectories described below. It is the task’s configurator’s responsibility to creates the files it needs – for example, the Terraform configurator might generate a terraform module.

During the deployment stage, those files are moved to the active directory after the task completes successfully. If it fails, they are moved to a directory named failed.<taskid>.

When the job completes, job.tsv is updated and files for that job are added to changes and jobs directories.

The planned and active directories can have the following subdirectories:


Persistent artifacts required for deployment.


Sensitive artifacts (e.g. certificates). They are vault encrypted in the repository.


Transient generated configuration files (excluded from repository).

Below is an example showing the directory of a simple ensemble with one resource templates (ec2compute) that has been deployed once (with a job id of A41VNXbB).

├── ensemble.yaml
├── changes
│   ├── job2024-01-31-23-33-37-A41VNXbB.yaml
├── jobs
│   ├── job2024-01-31-23-33-37-A41VNXbB.yaml
│   └── job2024-01-31-23-33-37-A41VNXbB.log
├── jobs.tsv
├── active
│   ├── artifacts
│   ├── secrets
│   │   ├── ec2compute
│   │   │   └── terraform.tfstate.yaml
│   └── tasks
│   ├── ec2compute
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── terraform.tfstate
│   │   └── vars.tmp.tfvars.json

jobs.tsv: a tab separated file with a line for each task and job designed for fast loading and conflict free merging.

job2024-01-31-23-33-37-A41VNXbB.yaml is a job.yaml file. The one is in changes is committed, while the one is jobs is not. The latter is more verbose and may contain content that is not safe to commit.

jobs/job2024-01-31-23-33-37-A41VNXbB.log is a copy of the log messages logged to console when the job was run.

active/secrets/ec2compute/terraform.tfstate.yaml – the Terraform configurator needs to commit its Terraform state as a secret because it may contain confidential data.

The files in active/tasks/ec2compute are used during deployment by Terraform and left in place for review even though they not committed and will be regenerated if missing.

See Project folders for the API configurators use to manage the files they need and get_dir and abspath for expression functions that provide access to this directories.

Of the above files and directories only ensemble.yaml, jobs.tsv, changes, active/artifacts and active/secrets are committed to git, the rest are excluded in the project’s .gitignore file. Files excluded from git are safe to delete after the job completes.

Updating a deployment

After ensemble is created, running a job will compared with the current state of its resources.

The deploy workflow follows these rules:

  • Any existing instance that not at the expecting status or state. (this is controlled by the –repair option). (reason: repair)

  • Previously created resources already in their desired state are evaluated to see if their configuration changed (controlled by the –change-detection option) (reason: reconfigure).

  • New templates will create new resources (reason “new”) (disabled by the –skip-new flag)

  • If the –check flag is set, the "check" operation will be run before trying to create the instance.

  • Existing resources no longer referenced by the model are not removed unless the –prune flag is used. When –prune is used, deletion follows the rules of the Undeploy (teardown) workflow described below.

Applying configuration changes.

By default, deploy jobs have the –change-detection job option is set to “evaluate”, which means the job will check if deployed resources need to updated because their configuration changed. Unfurl checks if they need to be updated by comparing a resource’s current state as recorded in ensemble.yaml to the expected state given the current service template. If it differs, a configure operation will be added to the plan with the reason set to “reconfigure”.

Note that it doesn’t determine the state from live resources, just from the last known state recorded in the ensemble.

You can skip this check per resource by setting the “customized” field to true in the instance’s status. This indicates that the resource has intentionally diverged from its template and shouldn’t be set back to that configuration. It is automatically set when a custom operation (including “discover” operations) modifies an attribute that was previously set or used by a configure operation – Unfurl marks the instance as customized to prevent a future configure operation from overwriting those changes.

Setting the –change-detection job option to “always” will ignore the “customized” field and potentially the configure operation will re-run and overwrite custom changes to the instance. Setting the –change-detection job option to “skip” disables this check.

Changes are detected by comparing a digest of the values of the inputs and properties accessed the last time a configuration operation was run with a digest of their current values. (This is saved in the Config Change record.) Changes to referenced files, directories, and container images are also included in the digest (via Unfurl’s External values API). Note that sensitive values are excluded from the digest.

Undeploy (teardown)

The undeploy workflow (invoked by the unfurl teardown command) builds a plan where resources are deleted from the edges to the root, based on the topology’s dependency graph – essentially the reverse order of how it was deployed.

A resource will be excluded from deletion if any of the following are true:

  • It was not created by the deployment (e.g. it was discovered). This can be overridden by the –destroyunmanaged job option. This is by the determined by the created field in the resource’s status.

  • It is managed by another resource. In that case, the name of the resource that manages it is the value of its created field. In this case, it is the responsibility of the managing resource’s delete operation to also delete this resource.

  • Its status has protected set to true.

  • Its node template has the "protected" directive set.

  • It is a abstract, virtual, or imported resource.

  • Resources whose removal will break required resources that we want to keep operational. The --force job option disables this check. Individual dependent resources can be excluded from this check by changing either their status or their priority from “required” to “optional” or “ignore”.

Resource Discovery

If a node template has a discover operation associated with it, Unfurl can use that operation to discover existing resources that match the template instead of creating a new resource.

Those operations will be invoked when by running the unfurl-discover command, which trigger the “discover” workflow.

When running the deploy workflow, you can indicate that individual node templates should discover its resource instead of creating it by setting the discover node template directive.

Checking resources

The check operation checks and updates the live state and status of a resource. It is typically run right before a deploy operation (e.g. create or configure) to check if that operation should be run or skipped. If any of the following are true, a check operation (if found) will be scheduled for a resource when running a deploy job:

  • If the –check job option is set, check operations will be run first if the resource hasn’t been created yet.

  • the resource’s status is set to “unknown”

  • the resource’s node template has the "check" directive

You can also use the unfurl check command to the run the “check” workflow, which runs the “check” operation on all resources that have that operation defined.

Ad-hoc Jobs

You can execute any operation across your ensemble using the unfurl run command. That command will create a job that executes the given operation on any instance that has that operation defined. Instance selection can be limited using the generic job filter options (e.g. –operation).

> unfurl run --operation Standard.start

unfurl run can also execute ad hoc shell command in the context of your ensemble’s environment.

You can run an ad-hoc shell command in the context of your ensemble’s environment. In place of the –operation option, use -- to separate the given shell command, for example:

> unfurl run -- echo 'hello!'

If --host or --module is set, the Ansible configurator will be used to execute the shell command on the give host (or localhost if omitted). For example:

> unfurl run --host=my_server -- echo "hello!'

This will use ansible to connect to the resource named “my_server” in your ensemble and execute the shell command there.

Running an shell command will be executed once for each given --instance, in that instance’s context. The shell command will be evaluated in Jinj2a expressions. For example, this will the current instance’s name: echo "hello {{ '.name' | eval }}'". If none are present, the shell command will be executed once in the global context of the ensemble. (e.g. environment variables, executable versions via asdf). It can be saved in the job history with the --save flag.


When a job is running Unfurl will lock the ensemble to prevent other instances of Unfurl from modifying the same ensemble. There are two kinds of locks: a local lock that prevents access to the same local copy of an ensemble and a global lock which takes a git lfs lock to prevent access to the ensemble across remote servers. Note that locks don’t cause the job to block, instead the job will just abort when it starts if the lock was already taken. If a job aborts due to a lock, it is up to the user to re-run the job when the lock is free.

Local locks are a pid file based on the ensemble’s path with “.lock” extension, e.g. “/path/to/ensemble/ensemble.yaml.lock”. Local locking is per ensemble and is always enabled. Local locks can be manually freed by deleting that file.

Global remote locks need to be enabled via the lfs_lock section in your project’s environments configuration. The following settings are available:


Whether to use git lfs when locking an ensemble, it can be set to one of:

“no”, don’t try to lock (the default if missing)

“try”, take a lock if th e git lfs server is available

“require”, abort job if unable to take a git lfs lock


The URL of the Git LFS server to use. If missing, the ensemble’s git repository’s “origin” remote will be used.


Name of the lock file to use. Note that with git lfs, the file doesn’t need to exist in in the git repository. If omitted, the local lock’s file path will be used. By setting this you can set the scope to be coarser (or narrower) than each individual ensemble as any ensemble using the same name will be locked.

The following string substitutions are available to dynamically generate the name: $ensemble_uri, $environment, and $local_lock_path. For example, setting a name like “group1/$environment” would prevent jobs from simultaneously running for ensemble with the lock name “group1” and in same the environment.

As these settings are environment settings, they will be merged with the current project, home project, and the ensemble’s environment sections. Unlike most other environment settings, the ensemble’s settings takes priority and overrides the project’s settings.

Use git lfs locks to see existing locks in a git repository and git lfs unlock to manually remove a lock.

In additional to locking, to ensure local deployments are in sync with each, when Unfurl starts and loads an ensemble it checks the project and ensemble’s upstream repositories for changes. The –skip-upstream-check global option and the UNFURL_SKIP_UPSTREAM_CHECK environment variable disables this behavior.

Operational status and state

When a workflow job is run, it updates the status of its affected instances. Each Instance represented in a manifest has a status that indicates its relationship to its specification:


The operational state of the instance is unknown.


Instance is being brought up or hasn’t been created yet.


Instance is operational


Instance is operational but in a degraded state.


Instance is not operational.


Instance confirmed to not exist.

When a workflow is applied to an instance it will be skipped if it already has the desired status (either “OK” or “Absent”). If its status is Unknown, check will be run first. Otherwise the workflow will be applied by executing one or more operations on a target instance.

If it succeeds, the target instance status will be set to either OK or Absent for deploy and undeploy, respectively. If it fails, the status will depend on whether the instance was modified by the operation. If it has been, the status is set to Error (or to Degraded the task was optional); if the operation didn’t report whether or not it was modified, it is set to Unknown. Otherwise, the status won’t be changed.

Node state

In addition, each instance has a node state which indicates where the instance is in it deployment lifecycle. Node states are defined by TOSCA and include: initial, creating, created, configuring, configured, starting, started, stopping, deleting, deleted, and error.

As operations are executed during a job, the target instance’s node state is updated.

See also

TOSCA 1.3, §3.4.1 for a complete definitions


Each task in a Job corresponds to an operation that was executed and is assigned a changeId. Each task is recorded in the job’s changelog as a Config Change, which designed so that it can replayed to reproduce the instance.

ChangeIds are unique within the lifespan of an ensemble and sortable using an encoded timestamp. All copies of an ensemble maintain a consistent view of time to ensure proper serialization and easy of merging of changes (using locking if necessary).

Instances keep track of the last operation that was applied to it and also of the last task that observed changes to the internal state of the instance (which may or may not be reflected in attributes exposed in the topology model). Tracking internal state is useful because dependent instances may need to know when it has changed and to know if it is safe to delete an instance.

YAML example

When status of an instance is saved in the manifest, the attributes described above can be found in the Status section of the instance, for example:

  local: ok # the explicit `status` of this instance
  effective: ok #  `status` with dependencies' statuses considered
  state: started # Node state
lastConfigChange: A0AP4P9C0001 # change id of the last ConfigChange that was applied
priority: "optional"  # default Priority is "required"
created: A0AP4P9C0001 # change id that created this or name of instance that manages this resource
protected: true # (optional) prevents deletion
customized: true # (optional) prevents reconfiguring from spec